Saturday, 5 December 2009

Sunday Scrapbook

I think I'm going to have to do a few scrapbook posts this week, I don't think this was even half the images I wanted to put up, but I don't want to send anyone's computer freaking out into a crash...ha
So for now, this week...

(via camilla akrans, the fashion spot, birdsandashes, fyeahskinnybitch, lovelybones, bleachblack, floating in the blue, this is my nirvana, la douleur equisite, merricat, fashiongonerogue, comic book fiend, suiciceunderground, pretentious and pop, inmydreams, papertissue, whambamthankyoustam, sparklingnew, suzywire, greyskymorning, hotmessinawalmartdress, fashionfever, cosmic, halfsickofshadows, ffffound, flickr and google )



  1. whoa i really enjoyed this long long posttt.
    such inspiring pictures <3333 i want shoes like the blue ones and cake like a watermelon or a strawberry (:

  2. Wow longest post i have seen in a while!

    Very lovely

    Kim xx


Go on, I want to hear it !