I was browsing tumblr (as you do) the other day when I came across a girl who had diy'd her very own Miu Miu shoes. I was half impressed and half horrified. I think they job she did actually looks pretty good, but knowing how amazing the original looks, could I bear to do/wear something some much lesser quality?

via outsapop.com)
It's the old
head vs heart copy vs original debate...and I'm never sure.
Then I looked further and lo and behold everyone is getting in on the diy miu miu shoes.

via fashionclocked.blogspot.com)

via lionstigersandfashionohmy.com)
Following the much blogged diy Miu Miu nails I think it's more forgivable transferring the print to something to nails as it's less of a direct copy. But then the shoes are so pretty, and how many people can really afford the originals anyway...

via stopitrightnow)
In the meantime I'm going to have to resist putting sharpie to spray painted shoe, but dream about my shoe shelf looking a little something like this...*sigh*
After all, we can't all be like
Alexa Chung.

via mcqueenadillo)